"Mewling, puking babes, " Jean Shepherd

"Mewling, puking babes. That's the way we all start. Damply clinging to someone's shoulder, burping weakly, clawing our way into life. All of us." Jean Shepherd
from here: 

The Endless Streetcar Ride into the Night, and the Tinfoil Noose

From In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash
By Jean Shepherd


IF you find yourself feeling alone in the world, you aren't wrong about that.

You have no one to rely on but yourself.

That's just the way it is.

Those that birth us often invest much in our survival. But that may be the extent of their investment.

IF during your life and by some chance you happen to find someone who loves you for yourself, just they way you are, you are very fortunate indeed.

It's unlikely that this will happen but it could.

And IF that person turns on you- even after a significant amount of time- just remember: 
"Mewling, puking babes. That's the way we all start. Damply clinging to someone's shoulder, burping weakly, clawing our way into life. All of us."

That's how we were born into this world and that's how we will die.

You were never promised anything. If you enjoyed a bit of love- well, good for you.

If you didn't, well, no one ever promised that to you anyway. You were lucky to find what love you did while you did and if you did. If you didn't, well, too bad for you.


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