Republicans Really Just Want You To Die.
Republicans Are Trying to Take Away Your Health Care Republicans spent the last several years trying to destroy "Obamacare" and it appears that they may now be succeeding. Amongst other things, the Affordable Care Act's (the ACA's) "mandate" required that all Americans obtain health insurance or pay a penalty for not doing so. Republicans fought against this ACA mandate, claiming it was "unconstituional" to "force" people to purchase something. The mandate was contested all the way to the Supreme Court, where it was deemed "Constitutional". Since then, Republicans have attempted to halt, alter, undo, change, or otherwise "repeal and replace Obamacare" over 50 times- all unsucessfully. Until now. Trump and the Republican tax reform bill of 2017 ammended the ACA to remove the mandate, or tax penalty, for going uninsured (but kept the requirement that all Americans buy health insurance).