Kavanaugh- Hearing and Senate Judiciary vote

I watched most parts of the Ford/Kavanaugh committee hearing and was at lunch when the Senate Judiciary Committe voted to move Kavanaugh out of Committee.

What a dramatic day!

I was late returning to work because of the delays in voting.

I hope my boss doesn't notice.

The hearing: I felt that the special questioner, Rachel Mitchell, was fair with Dr Ford.

But I wondered why Mitchell was "disappeared" so quickly when it was Kavanaugh's turn to be questioned.

I felt that Dr Ford did well and I found her to be credible and honest.

I was not impressed withKavanaugh. His claim that everyone is "conspiring" against him is not believable.
I found him evasive, angry, argumentative and was surprised that he was so hostile to Democratic questions. He was interviewing for a job here and angering the person/people who is/are responsible for your "hiring" is probably a poor plan. He strikes me as an "entitled frat boy"

After Rachel Mitchell disappeared, it seemed the hearing became just and "Atta Boy. We love you!" pat-on-the-back session. 

Since then, Trump has ordered the much-wanted FBI investigation.

I don't think Kavanaugh will survive this. I think Kavanaugh will drop out since he is unlikely to pass the reopened FBI investigation. (His friend Judge is now willing to speak with the FBI.)

I think they won't start vetting a second candidate this week because it would suggest they are ready to let Kavanaugh go, encouraging him to drop out, and embarrassing both Kvanaugh and the GOP.

I also think it's too late to cram another candidate through before the midterms.
If you told Trump:

"Hey Trump, you know what Obama was a huge failure at? Getting Merrick Garland on the court.I bet if you were to do that, even the Dems would praise you! And Garland is half-vetted already, so you could get him in before the midterms.
Whatcha think about that buddy?"

....you know the moron would go for it!


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