How I Prepared My 2012 Prius Hybrid For Use As An Emergency Generator To Run My Refrigerator In A Power Outage. (Long)
My solution is pretty niche but I recently developed a quick-to-apply-and-quick-to-remove system to add a one thousand Watt power inverter to my hybrid car (a 2012 Prius). I've written a lengthy record of why and how I did this that can found here: or by searching the title of this post: "How I Prepared My 2012 Prius Hybrid For Use As An Emergency Generator To Run My Refrigerator In A Power Outage. (Long)" This system is certainly not for everyone, but it is an inexpensive-to-initiate-and-to-remove, inexpensive-to-maintain, low-to-no maintenance, quieter, and cleaner method of preventing losing everything in my fridge- my primary motivating factor. Plus I don't have to store perishable volatiles in my garage. The system cost me $277. I think this is a good investment to prevent even just a one-time loss in refrigerated and frozen food in the next (and what now feels like inevitable) power outage. I also have a disabled person in...