
Showing posts from November, 2021

Should Nurses Stay With One Company Or "Job Hop" To Increase Pay?

  As someone with many years at one facility and who is looking at retirement soon let me say this: Take care of yourself first. Any business has the primary goal of making a profit. If a business ever needs to decide between you and making a profit, they will choose profit-making, not you. So take care of yourself first. They do. You should too. So if that means job hopping periodically to increase your take-home pay and benefits, do it. Everyone always focuses on pay but benefits are important too. Hospitals and most medical facilities are wildly profitable- even the so-called "charitable organizations". It's a false belief that charitable organizations are self-sacrificing and aren't interested in making a profits. If you don't believe me, look at their financials yourself. They all issue "annual reports". You will be surprised at how much they make in profits. Here's what I would recommend: Got to work for whomever you please and sign up for thei...